

My name's Jaden.

I am presently a dedicated student pursuing Computer Science at Swinburne University with a primary focus on Software Development and a minor specialization in Big Data Analytics.

About Me

I have an unwavering interest in programming, specifically in the field of game development as I revolve around games since a very young age. Furthermore, I am a fast-learner that is able to learn new things (that interests me) at a fast rate.

Have a look below to see what I have created so far (not that fascinating but eh)!


First Web Application

This web application was created with vanilla frameworks, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP using XAMPP (MySQL)

Webstart 1Webstart 2

First Game (Farming Simulator)

This game was created as part of my Object-Oriented Programming task, built using C# and SplashKit library.

The game mechanics were inspired by Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon.

Game 1Game 2Game 3Game 4

Android Application

Cytron inspired (please don't sue me lol) platform that allows users to add items to cart, check-out with them and view their order status.

This was created using Android Studio (Kotlin) with the use of Google Firebase as the database.

Phone 1Phone 2Phone 3Phone 4Phone 5Phone 6

Click me! :D

Treasure Box

This is the end! :D

Since you have made it this far, why don't you connect with me?

Talk to me; and yes, I will read them!

© 2023 - All rights reserved by Jaden - powered by NextJS 14 and TailwindCSS.