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My past projects... soon to be click-able...
  • 2001
    The year I came into this world, lol.
  • 2021
    Started Bachelor of Computer Science
  • 2021
    First web application using HTML, CSS, JS and PHP
  • 2022
    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Custom Program in C#
  • 2022
    Data Structures and Patterns Custom Program in C++
  • 2023
    Mobile Development using Kotlin
  • 2023
    Started Final Year Project (FYP) A
  • 2023
    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Custom Program in C#
  • Jan 2024
    Joined Quest Marketing
  • 2024
    Learnt about Machine Learning (ML) and Transfer Learning (TensorFlow 2 Zoo Model)
  • 2024
    To be continued...